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OPEN : 6 October / 7 October / 13 October / 14 October 12pm - 4pm

: Opening event : Friday 5 October 6pm - 9pm :


TOMA* is an artist-run unaccredited post-graduate art education programme in Southend on Sea. TOMA was created in response to the hierarchies surrounding accessing education; hidden hierarchies such as not being able to self-care and self-invest due to other life commitments, not having the art specific language expected to access the art world as well as more obvious ones such as time, cost, age and geography. TOMA welcomes mothers, fathers, carers, cleaners, teachers, gallery assistants, crafts professionals, sales assistants, art psychotherapists, technicians, admin assistants, project managers, recent graduates, 80’s graduates and everyone in between and outside these definitions.


For TONER the TOMA artist group have taken the action of photocopying as a starting point. Contemporary artists’ practices are woven with the everyday, often repetitive duties of life. Through using an everyday act of photocopying to produce art work for the show the line between art making and daily life is further merged. TOMA artists have used work copiers, school copiers, home copiers, friends’ copiers and borrowed copiers with work often made while at day jobs. What forms is a palimpsest of practices and experience from the past 3 years on the programme using an everyday machine to make art prints.


Each member of the group has provided photocopies of new work, old work, work in progress, work revisited or site specific work to bring together in the space. The group will respond to each others’ work on site to form a fragmented landscape of collaboration. This laboratory of practice will find new connections amongst the fragments, while expanding on existing conversations in the group. As our TOMA year comes to an end TONER aims to continue the dialogue between artists from our self-directed learning space to the gallery wall.


TOMA artists taking part are:

Laura Adamson

Michaela Bannon

Richard Baxter

Fiona Bennett

Kristina Bragg

Emma Edmondson

Laurence Harding

Blandine Martin

Gabrielle Milanese

Emma Mills

Tricia North

Grace Price

Ian Segrave

Gemma Louise Shaw

Gloria Sulli

Marie Walbey

Imogen Welch


* The Other MA (TOMA) is an independent art education model set up in 2015 outside of the traditional art school by Emma Edmondson, working in partnership with Metal. It is artist run, pitched at postgraduate level and designed to fit the everyday lives of contemporary artists. TOMA is a response to the challenges some face in accessing many traditional art MA models - work & family commitments, cost, geography and time.



Instagram: @theotherma

Twitter: @theotherma_TOMA

Facebook: @theotherma

More info: / Emma Edmondson

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